Building secure families
RMWC puts families first. We understand that a strong family unit is one of the greatest determinants for personal and social success, and an integrated family is a community asset.
Community, Advocacy, Resources and Education
The Community, Advocacy, Resources and Education team is there to help any immigrant and refugee to connect with organizations and services.
Basic Needs
Rent Assistance
RMWC provides assistance of up to $1,000 towards one month of rent for immigrant and refugee families who are more than one month behind, subject to availability of funding.
Ethnic Food Assistance
RMWC collaborates with ethnic restaurants and supermarkets to offer culturally appropriate food aid, including halal options, to low-income immigrant and refugee families.
English Teatime
A tailored program catering to Afghan women, offering a safe and supportive environment to socialize, learn English, and develop other skills. Guided by our Dari Cultural Navigator, participants engage in meaningful activities, fostering empowerment, growth, and community connections.