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- Arabic | RMWC - 2024
Coronavirus - Émbaran COVID19 COVID-19 Arab ىلع ةرطيسلل اهب مايقلا كنكمي ءايشأ 10 لزنملا يف 19-ديفوك ضارعأ أقفوا انتشار الجراثيم إرشادات لألسر والعائالت الكبيرة التي تعيش في نفس المنزل منع انتشار فيروس كوفيد-19 إذاكنت ً مريضا ما الذي يتعين عليك معرفته حول كوفيد - 19 لحماية نفسك واآلخرين إ رشادات نظافة البیئة الخاصة بفیروس كورونا المستجد 19-COVID إرشادات لارتداء الكمامة الدليل الخاص بفحص األعراض فيما يتعلق بالشركات 211Colorado: COVID-19 المعلومات والموارد تأثر مورد وقفة واحدة لشعب كولورادو بفقدان الوظائف خلال جائحة COVID-19 Perpustakaan Digital pikeun Barudak: المكتبة الرقمية للأطفال Cicing di Imah Video Bentuk Uji COVID-19 Manajemén Diri COVID Lembar Ngasingkeun Diri COVID-19 كیفیة منع انتشار الجراثیم
- Tigrinya | RMWC - 2024
Coronavirus - Émbaran COVID19 COVID-19 Tigrinya Kuman: ጀርምስ ከይዝርግሑ ከልክል። Evictions: ምልቃቓት, ወረሳታትን, ምብታኽ ህዝባዊ ግልጋሎታትን ዝግድብን መስርሓት ጥርዓን መድሕን ስራሕ ኣልቦነት ዘሳልጥን ትእዛዝ ንብኮቪድ-19 ዝተጠቕዑ ትእዛዝ ንብኮቪድ-19 ዝተጠቕዑ ነቨ Perlu Dipikanyaho: ብዛዕባ ኮሮናቫይረስ 2019 (COVID-19) ክትፈልጥዎ ዘለኩም Upami anjeun Kasakit: ኮሮና ቫይረስ 2019 (COVID-19) እንተሓሚምኩም እንታይ ክትገብም እንምም COVID-19 sareng COVID-19 Perpustakaan Digital pikeun Barudak Cicing di Imah: ኣብ ገዛ ፅንሑ ብዘይካ ንመሰረታዊ
- Programs for Linguistic Integration
English as a Second Language | Literacy in Spanish Top of Page For Linguistic Integration PROGRAM Pikeun Integrasi Linguistik For Linguistic Integration BASA SUNDA AS A BASA KADUA (ESL) Titik fokus Kelas ESL kami anu disayogikeun ku Focus Points, dirancang pikeun pangungsi anu parantos aya di AS kirang ti 5 taun. Pembiayaan pikeun kelas ieu asalna tina Divisi Colorado of Refugee Services, janten kelas ieu GRATIS pikeun pangungsi. Focus Points ogé nyayogikeun FREE ONSITE CHILDCARE keur leumpang umur kids. Diajar basa Inggris ngaliwatan ngadengekeun carita (letsl) RMWC Metoda inovatif ieu idéal pikeun jalma di beginners ka tingkat panengah. Kabéh anggota kulawarga bisa ilubiung, kaasup barudak. Kéngingkeun basa Inggris ku cara ngadangukeun carita anu pikaresepeun. Ieu ogé tiasa janten kelas pelengkap pikeun metode tradisional. Ngadaptar AYEUNA INGLÉS DE VERDAD RMWC kelas ieu dirancang husus pikeun HISPANIC déwasa anu hoyong diajar basa Inggris ngaliwatan métode alternatif ngagunakeun multi-indrawi kagiatan. Nalika: Rebo Waktos: 6 nuju 8 pm Mimitian Tanggal: 10/09/19 Lilana: 10 minggu Ongkos: $ 50 tawaran kawates Dimana: RMWC Ngadaptar AYEUNA melek pikeun déwasa dina basa Spanyol/ alfabetización para adultos en español RMWC Kelas ieu dirancang pikeun déwasa imigran Hispanik jeung pangungsi, anu hoyong diajar maca jeung nulis dina basa asli maranéhanana. Panaliti nunjukkeun yén kaahlian literasi narjamahkeun tina hiji basa ka basa anu sanés nganggo alfabét anu sami. Geura sumping Read More When: Mondays and Wednesdays Time: Morning and Afternoon classes available Registration: On going Basis To register you can make an appointment or walk-in every Monday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm PH: 303-292-0770 X-128
- Censo 2020 - Español | RMWC - 2024
Información acerca del Censo 2020 en Español Inggris Spanyol Rusia Somali Ku kituna Ud. Necesita Saber Acerca del Censo Preguntas Frecuentes sobre el Censo 2020 Evite Fraudes y Estafas Karahasiaan Censo 2020 La Importancia de Contar a los Niños Pequeños en el Censo Ud. Puede Responder al Censo 2020 en Español Censo 2020 LLENE EL CENSO HOY!
- Radio Show
Youth Integration Services PROGRAM Pikeun Girls Rule the World Girls Rule the World (GRW) is an interactive, multicultural empowerment program for young women ages 15-20. Led by RMWC instructors, participants explore themes including biculturalism, parental and societal expectations, cultural values, social identity, determinants of health, conflict resolution, and fostering healthy peer relationships. Activities vary and may include team-building exercises such as hiking, rock climbing, skiing, and movie screenings. After submitting an application, you'll receive instructions for scheduling a virtual interview. Attendance of the mandatory orientation is required. Orientation Details: To be determined. Contact our Youth Coordinator for application details and upcoming cohort information at Healing Through Arts & Nature Healing Through Arts & Nature (HAN) offers a sanctuary for young women ages 15-20 to discover tranquility and renewal through guided artistic expression and outdoor exploration. Facilitated by a social worker and certified wilderness experts, these sessions guide participants through a healing journey, addressing traumas stemming from the migration process—be it before, during, or after migration. Such traumas may encompass navigating loss and separation from one's homeland, family, and familiar traditions, as well as adjusting to a new physical environment and unfamiliar cultural landscapes. Contact our Youth Coordinator at to attend the next HAN session. Springs Academy Soccer Program Springs Academy Soccer was established by members of the Ethiopian community who recognized a lack of after-school activities for children in their neighborhoods, often leading to trouble. In 2023, Springs Academy joined the RMWC family and partnered to expand its offerings to include soccer practices and games for immigrant children ages 5 to 15 across the metro Denver area. For more details on Springs Academy send an email with Springs Academy in the subject line to: "I didn’t know who I was until I went through this course. Now I honor my culture and I understand that to be part of this society I don’t have to abandon my roots.” - Girls Rule the World graduate
- French | RMWC - 2024
Coronavirus - Émbaran COVID19 COVID-19 Perancis 10 choses que vous pouvez faire pour atténuer vos symptômes dus au COVID-19 chez vous Empêcher la propagation des germes Conseils pour les familles nombreuses ou étendues partageant un même domicile Ce que vous devriez savoir à propos du COVID-19 pour vous proteger et proteger les autres Sumber daya unik pikeun penduduk di Colorado touchés par la perte d'emplois pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Perpustakaan Digital pikeun Barudak: Bibliothèque numérique pour enfants Cicing di Imah Video Kuman: PRÉVENIR LA TRANSMISSION DES MICROBES
- Meet Our Board | RMWC - 2024
Ko-Korsi Dewan TEPUNG DEWAN KAMI Ruben Madinah Nermina Mujkanovic Ko-Korsi Dewan Katherine Riley Sekretaris Déwan
- Subscribe | RMWC - 2024
Leres, kirimkeun ka kuring inpormasi ngeunaan RMWC kajadian! Ngalanggan Hatur nuhun ngalanggan!
- Somali | RMWC - 2024
Coronavirus - Émbaran COVID19 COVID-19 Somali 10 shay oo aad samayn karto si aad u maarayso astaamahaaga COVID-19 adigoo guriga jooga Jooji Faafidda Jeermiska Hagitanka Loogu Talafalay Qoysaska Waawayn ama Ballaaran ee Guri ku Wada Nool Wax aad samaynayso haddii aad qaaddo cudurka coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Henteu aya anu tiasa dipendakan ku COVID-19 sareng anjeun ogé tiasa ngawaskeunana sareng seueur deui. Tusmada Nadiifinta Bii'ada Hagista xirashada afxirka Hagista baarista astaamaha ee ganacsiga 211 Colorado: COVID-19 Macluumaadka sareng Kheyraadka Hatur nuhun kana hal-hal anu tiasa dipendakan di Colorado, kumaha oge, upami anjeun gaduh lagu-lagu jiray Fafidda CVID-19 Perpustakaan Digital pikeun Barudak: Maktabadda Dijital ah ee Caruurta Cicing di Imah Video Kuman: JOOJI FAAFINTA JEERMISKA
- Programs For Civic Engagement | Aurora | Rocky Mountain Welcome Center
Citizenship Classes | Community Information Top of Page For Linguistic Integration PROGRAM Pikeun Dursasana Civic For Linguistic Integration Kelas kawarganagaraan Kelas Kewarganegaraan kami dirancang pikeun ngabantosan individu anu badé ngalamar Kawarganagaraan AS, pikeun nyiapkeun ujian kawarganagaraan. Kelas ieu ogé nyayogikeun inpormasi ngeunaan cara ngiringan sacara sipil dina sistem AS Geura sumping Inpormasi komunitas Di handap ieu mangrupakeun bengkel sarta gatherings nyadiakeun informasi nu ngidinan imigran jeung pangungsi tetep aktipitas sipil. Ku pamahaman sistem warga anyar bisa ilubiung dina isu nu patali jeung maranéhna.
- Message From Executive Director
A Letter from the Executive Director At Rocky Mountain Welcome Center, we celebrate the invaluable contributions of immigrants and refugees to our community. We're dedicated to supporting them as they build better lives for themselves and their families. Everyone is Welcome Here. As an immigrant myself, I intimately understand the challenges and opportunities of integrating to Colorado's diverse community. My personal journey has fueled my passion for promoting intercultural learning, understanding, and integration among immigrants, refugees, and local communities. Every day, we open our doors with warmth and respect, welcoming immigrant families, youth, and Colorado’s receiving communities. Whether it's in the classroom, on the soccer field, or in nature, we are committed to offering newcomers educational programs, social gatherings, and culturally sensitive resources to empower them for personal and societal success. We invite you to join us, bringing your enthusiasm and resources, and discover Rocky Mountain Welcome Center—where everyone belongs. Diana higuera Executive Director
- Copy of Amharic | RMWC - 2024
ግብዓቶች ለቤተሰቦች: Perpustakaan Digital pikeun Barudak: ዲጂታል ላይብረሪ ለልጆች ግብዓቶች: ኮቪድ-19 አጠቃላይ ደህንነት መረጃ COVID-19 Amharik የ COVID-19 ምልክቶችን ለመቆጣጠር በቤትዎ ማድረግ የሚችሏቸውችሏቸውችሏቸዐች ሮቤ የጀርሞችን ስርጭት ያስቁሙ ዘመድ አዝማድ በአንድ ቤት ለሚኖርባቸው ወይም ብዙ አባላት ላሏቸው ቤተሰቦች የቀረበ መመሪያ ከታመሙ የ COVID-19 ስርጭትን ይከላከሉ እራስዎን እና ሌሎችን ለመጠበቅ ስለ COVID-19 ማወቅ ያለብዎት ነገር በ CVID-19 ወረርሽኝ ወረርሽኝ ጊዜ ለሥራ ኮሎራዶ ለኮሎራዶ ሰዎች የአንድ-ማቆሚያ ምንጭ Cicing di Imah Video Cicing di Imah: ለመሰረታዊ ፍላጎቶች ካልሆነ በስተቀር በቤትዎ ይቆዩ Evictions: በኮቪድ -19 ለተጎዱት ኮሎራዶአዊያን እፎይታ ለመስጠት ከኪራይ ቤት ማስለቀቆችን, የቤት መውረሶችን እና የህዝብ መገልገያዎችን ማቋረጥን መገደብ እና የሥራ አጥነት የኢንሹራንስ ክፍያ የይገባኛል ጥያቄ ሂደት ማፋጠን ትዕዛዝ Cicing di Imah: ሲኦቪአይዲ ኮሮናቫይረስ ኮሮናቫይረስ በሽታ 19፡-0-1 COVID-19 Kuman:በሽታየተጠቁእንደሆነማድረግየሚገባዎተግባራት Mun anjeun Satpol PP: ሲኦቪአይዲ ኮሮናቫይረስ ኮሮናቫይረስ በሽታ 19 በኮሮና ቫይረስ 2019 (COVID-19) በሽታየተጠቁእንደሆነማድረግየሚገባዎተግባራት Videos: