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Youth Integration Services

Girls Rule the World

Girls Rule the World (GRW) is an interactive, multicultural empowerment program for young women ages 15-20. Led by RMWC instructors, participants explore themes including biculturalism, parental and societal expectations, cultural values, social identity, determinants of health, conflict resolution, and fostering healthy peer relationships.

Activities vary and may include team-building exercises such as hiking, rock climbing, skiing, and movie screenings.

After submitting an application, you'll receive instructions for scheduling a virtual interview. 

Attendance of the mandatory orientation is required.
Orientation Details: To be determined. Contact our Youth Coordinator for application details and upcoming cohort information at

Healing Through Arts & Nature

Healing Through Arts & Nature (HAN) offers a sanctuary for young women ages 15-20 to discover tranquility and renewal through guided artistic expression and outdoor exploration. Facilitated by a social worker and certified wilderness experts, these sessions guide participants through a healing journey, addressing traumas stemming from the migration process—be it before, during, or after migration. Such traumas may encompass navigating loss and separation from one's homeland, family, and familiar traditions, as well as adjusting to a new physical environment and unfamiliar cultural

Contact our Youth Coordinator at to attend the next HAN session.  

Springs Academy Soccer Program

Springs Academy Soccer was established by members of the Ethiopian community who recognized a lack of after-school activities for children in their neighborhoods, often leading to trouble. In 2023, Springs Academy joined the RMWC family and partnered to expand its offerings to include soccer practices and games for immigrant children ages 5 to 15 across the metro Denver area.

For more details on Springs Academy send an email with Springs Academy in the subject line to:

80 kids served 4x weekly practices and games One coordinator One assistant One coach Many

"I didn’t know who I was until I went through this course. Now I honor my culture and I understand that to be part of this society I don’t have to abandon my roots.”

- Girls Rule the World graduate
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